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We truly want to inspire people to learn more about sustainable lifestyle alternatives. We want to test and prove that it is in fact possible to make significant changes in life while still having fun. Without having to leave the things we love, without having to change into life in a cave, without having to sacrifice more than a small slice of our habits or our so-called modern society "needs". We are sailors and love the oceans, so we chose to do it on a boat.

Agenda 2030 is not a joke. Launched by 196 countries in 2015 and with only 10 years to go. Most people understand by now that we are facing serious problems on a global scale. Too few do anything to help out, despite that understanding.


So we have decided to act now and stir up some hopeful vibes. We chose to go out to meet and learn from others who made it a mission to act now. We chose to share positive insights and experiences, rather than complaining about those who say they will act on Monday next week or in 2045...

Here are some lines about our missions and what we intend with our ambitions and how they are connected to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals – the Agenda 2030.

100% Fossil Fuel Free




Our mission is to be 100% energy independent. We will not use any fossil fuel during our voyages or races – no diesel or gasoline for any motor, no propane gas for cooking or heating, no kerosene for oil lamps, no diesel for electric generators and no charging of our batteries from shore power sockets if the provider can not prove 100% that the electricity delivered via them is produced from renewable sun, wind or water power plants. We will "harvest" energy and charge our batteries with solar panels, wind generators, and hydro generation. Our Torqeedo electric drive recharges its own batteries when we are sailing at more than 5 knots speed.

We want to inspire boaters to go electric and show how easy it is. Like what happened on land with electric vehicles...

Little Tesla kicked the gigantic car industry like nothing ever before. They forced the entire fossil fuel car industry to admit that they not only can – but suddenly also want to – produce durable electrical vehicles with long ranges. We are happy to help create the same tumbling development on water. Every installed electric engine in a boat is a victory for all of us – it is smart, sustainable, and enjoyable.

100% Fossil Fuel Free is connected to the following United Nation's Agenda 2030 Goals:

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development




1) The solar oven – using nothing but sunshine for cooking. 2) Hello new electric pod engine and generator. 3) Bye-bye fossil fuel engine, tank, tubes, grease, smell, filters, and toxic emissions. 4) The non-electric slow cooker – a pillow around the pot keeps the food cooking for 6-8 hours after boiled for just a minute. 5) Portable solar panels keep smartphones and speakers charged. 6) Cooking on open fires using dry branches and a match or two – no single-use lighters, no charcoal, no chemical fire-starters. 7) The yummy banana bread baked by pure sunshine. 8) Marine Lithium batteries instead of fossil fuel – still expensive but prices are moving downwards while their capacity is going up, and recycling development and infrastructure is making progress.

Our mission is to be 100% energy independent. We will not use any fossil fuel during our voyages or races – no diesel or gasoline for any motor, no propane gas for cooking or heating, no kerosene for oil lamps, no diesel for electric generators and no charging of our batteries from shore power sockets if the provider can not prove 100% that the electricity delivered via them is produced from renewable sun, wind or water power plants. We will "harvest" energy and charge our batteries with solar panels, wind generators, and hydro generation. Our Torqeedo electric drive recharges its own batteries when we are sailing at more than 5 knots speed.

We want to inspire boaters to go electric and show how easy it is. Like what happened on land with electric vehicles...

Little Tesla kicked the gigantic car industry like nothing ever before. They forced the entire fossil fuel car industry to admit that they not only can – but suddenly also want to – produce durable electrical vehicles with long ranges. We are happy to help create the same tumbling development on water. Every installed electric engine in a boat is a victory for all of us – it is smart, sustainable, and enjoyable.

100% Fossil Fuel Free is connected to the following United Nation's Agenda 2030 Goals:

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

100% Female Racing Crew




1) Training without the guys. 2) Tjörn Runt, 30 nm inshore, the largest race on the Swedish west coast. 3) At the Byxelkroken Race, a 60 nm offshore race between the mainland and the island Öland. 4) Prepping the storm jib before the bad weather. 5) Winning the 300 nm offshore race Gotland Runt in hard winds…as our team was the only boat sailing the Covid-cancelled event. 6) Dee Caffari MBE standing up for the girls – British skipper in the 2017-18 Volvo Ocean Race on Turn the Tide on Plastic as an ambassador for the United Nations Environment initiative, Clean Seas. She has sailed six times around the world, three of them single-handed and the world’s first woman to sail it “the wrong way around”. 7) Preparing the route well is as important as preparing the food, the boat, and the equipment… 8) …as the circumstances may be quite challenging out there.

Our mission is to race with 100% female crew members and to recruit, invite and empower primarily young women for active roles within the project.

Gender inequalities are still troubling and within the sailing community it is not only a very obvious male dominance onboard the boats, there are discriminatory and sexist undertones displayed in too many forms and on too many levels. These conditions have recently been measured and displayed in the work by the World Sailing Trust and the "Women In Sailing Strategic Report", launched on December 5th 2019. Signed by our Project Patron Dee Caffari MBE. Check out the summary video:

100% Female Racing Crew is connected to the following United Nation's Agenda 2030 Goal:


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

100% Toxic Free Coating



1) The sticker with ten recommended, but definitely not necessary, liquids for cleaning a porta-potty. 2) Their non-toxic cleaning liquids components – lemon peels soaked in white vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. 3) The toxic-free coating after the first season, just washed with a sponge and cold seawater. 4) Making dishes with non-toxic soap in blocks. 5) After three months of sailing in 2018 the coating could still be wiped clean with bare hands. 6) On a black water emptying mission, instead of dumping it straight into the seawater. 7) Non-toxic soap blocks – the green one for dishes and clothes, the yellow ones for skin, and the small ones for hair. 8) Cleaning the Ocean Artivism decorated hull in 2020...after 5 months in the water.

Our mission is to contribute with zero toxins and zero micro-particles into the water. We started with our coating. Then we sharpened our toxic-free ambition into a lifestyle onboard.

Practically every boat on the planet is painted under the waterline to avoid unwanted visitors and inhabitants. Toxins in the paint have been used since the paint was invented. That is a lot of toxins and a lot of years and it has to stop. Environmentally friendly alternatives have to be supported and welcomed. In the Baltic Sea, the poor condition of the water is alarming due to many factors and sailors are for sure one of them. We simply need to rethink and do better and be part of the solution.

Crew member Guri from Maui, introduced toxic-free and microplastic-free hygiene and cleaning products. From soap, toothpaste, sunscreens, and dish soap to toilet cleaning detergents. A lot of it hand made. It has been an extremely positive and mind blowing journey. Nowadays it feels ridiculous to go back.

100% Toxic Free Coating is connected to the following United Nation's Agenda 2030 Goals:

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development



100% Zero Waste

1) The plastics we picked up while sailing and at some stops in 2020. 2) Our Compost-Garden on the transom – a circular food scrap station and yummy green garden at the same time. 3) Gram, the zero-waste bulk store in Malmö, Sweden. 4) A toothpaste tube picked up from the waves outside of Kiel, Germany, with plastic “chrystals” for whiter 5) Guri diving for a yellow oil bottle from Shell, standing on the seadbed in a peaceful bay on a remote little island in the outskirts of Stockholm archipelago. 6) Organic oils and even wine sold in bulk at the zero-waste store Løs in Copenhagen, Denmark. 7) A birthday party ballon picked up while sailing outside Utklippan in Sweden. 8) Trawling for microplastics in the waters outside of Finland.

Our mission is to challenge ourselves to be responsible for our waste as part of our footprint during this project. As a sustainability initiative, we take into consideration not only our transportation and energy usage but also our daily consumption of food/supplies, and thus our waste. Plastic pollution is one of the biggest threats to our oceans and wildlife today and packaging makes up 40% of the overall plastic demand  (World Economic Forum 2017). Furthermore, all forms of waste (food, human, paper, glass, aluminum, etc.) have an impact on our health and environment when not managed properly. 


The Zero Waste movement aims to create a closed circular system where everything we consume is sustainably regenerated, essentially sending nothing to landfill. It is a lifestyle that reduces waste as much as possible by refusing what is not necessary, swapping disposables for reusables, responsibly recycling when necessary, enriching our soil by composting and supporting/encouraging sustainable businesses. 


During travel and onboard a small boat, waste is evident and accumulates quickly. We want to test and prove that a zero-waste lifestyle is possible, enjoyable, save money, and simply makes sense onboard a boat. We will actively encourage, inspire and educate crew members, guests, and the boating community to start adopting zero waste practices. 

100% Zero Waste is connected to the following United Nation's Agenda 2030 Goals:


Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development


Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss





1) Non-local but ecological bananas were used to bake yummy banana bread in the solar oven. 2) Dandelions grow everywhere and make a great complement in any salad. 3) A farmer’s road stop store – take what you need and pay cash or with your phone. 4) Local onion and garlic by nature, and without packaging. 5) Milk in glass bottles from cows they could say hello to. 6) These carrots were “abnormal” and meant for the pigs – “No, no they are absolutely beautiful… so double the price and sell them as Art Carrots” was their suggestion. 7) Yummy lamb meat bought from the breeder Elisabeth and grilled on dry juniper branches collected on the island for the night. 8) Carefully picking only what is needed for the day, makes sense, and tastes more.

Our mission is to practice conscious and sustainable food sourcing and cooking methods, which we call “Solar Food”. It aims to avoid unsustainable practices imposed by large food corporations by reducing our consumption of imported foods, food packaging, pesticides, and factory animal products. Instead, we have the opportunity to support local farms, implement zero waste, and eat healthy organic and plant-based meals although not restricted to veganism. Additionally, we take into consideration the energy used to prepare, cook, preserve and store our food as part of our 100% Fossil Fuel Free initiative onboard.


Deforestation and unsustainable agricultural practices are causing rapid loss of biodiversity on earth. This directly affects human livelihood and well-being, the extinction of animal, plant, and insect populations (1 million species are at risk according to the UN), and also contributes to climate change.


Goal #15 of Agenda 2030 “Life on Land” urges us to eat a locally-based and sustainably sourced diet to halt and reverse desertification, land degradation, and biodiversity loss. Purchasing foods that are imported from far away places greatly contributes to
carbon emissions during transportation on ships and airplanes. We will favour locally sourced ingredients that are fresher, more trustworthy, and culturally relevant to our project.


Toxic pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides used in agriculture are not only harmful to human health but also detrimental to the soil, waters, and wildlife. By choosing organic produce and ingredients we make a healthy contribution to ourselves and the planet.


Mono-crop agriculture, genetic modification, and inhumane factory farming are detrimental to biodiversity, animal welfare, and human health and contribute to climate change. By supporting small-batch local farms and sustainable wild sources of food, we vote with our wallets for food sovereignty.

100% Solar Food is connected to the following United Nation's Agenda 2030 Goals:


Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

100% Solar Food
100% Ocean Artivism




1) Julia’s unique ink drawings with all the tiny details. 2) Plastic waste picked up while sailing and on beaches will be used for art production... after first playing around with it before dinner. 3) Due to Covid, Julia could not enter Sweden, so her art was projected onto the hull. 4) The old fossil-fuel engine was taken out of circulation, first used for photo art by Martin, and will then be melted down for new art projects. 5) Julia with the spray cans that started her artistic career. 6) A green ice cream box breaking down into microplastics will be part of a plastic waste art project. 7) The 100SWW art bringing ocean’s underwater issues to the surface. 8) Guri, being the extended arm for Julia during Covid, needed to be creative as projecting a 2-dimensional artwork onto a curvy hull was not as easy thing as it first sounded like.

Our mission is to create awareness via art everywhere we go. We will use our boat, our sails, and ourselves as canvases. We will expose the art while sailing, while racing, while visiting marinas, and by exposing the art online on social media. We will use the raised awareness for educational purposes and offer pop-up learning sessions covering sustainable lifestyles and boat life alternatives for boat people.

100% Ocean Artivism is connected to the following United Nation's Agenda 2030 Goals:


Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

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