Voila....this is it. The old engine, the tank, the tubes, the smell, the fuel, the holes for emission and cooling water are all gone. They are being replaced by this little shining plug inside the boat, and the sleek pod and folding propeller underneath it.

Five seasons of climate statement sailing adventures have been completed. More than 7.000 NM were enjoyed for the purpose. New climate statement projects are being planned. Stay tuned...
We sailed Stockholm-Oslo. This was going to be the last voyage with this project and in this boat – the re-used Smaragd Johanna. My kids grew up on her from their toddler days. She was renovated in 2017 and gifted to my children. With a new electric engine installed. That was the seed that grew into a five-season climate statement sailing project. Read more on the blog.
We started late. But the plan was set and the final destination was defined – Riga. We warmed up with some sailing in the Stockholm archipelago, then arranged a summer party, then prepared for the leap towards the East Baltics – via Åland, Finland, St Petersburg (Russia), Estonia, and through Latvia to Riga. We came up to Norrtälje before we were hit hard by Covid. All of us were knocked over. Time ran out. The voyage was canceled. Probably a wise decision.
We sailed more than the planned 2020 NM from Stockholm aiming for Oslo and back, including four sail racing competitions with our all-female crew. We were hindered and a little delayed due to Covid-19 at the start, some races were postponed due to the pandemic and were stopped by the Norwegian border for the same reason. But we completed the voyage as planned. Read more.
We sailed 1000 NM in the Baltic Sea cruises to learn more about climate change. Young crews were invited and we had great fun with lots of inspiring talks and sailing experiences. More info.
We sailed 2560 NM from Oslo to Stockholm via 7 countries and 3 bodies of water together with 25 young crew members from 9 countries and 5 continents. More info.