Kristianopel – a spontane stop, a new friend
We left Oskarshamn and reached Kalmar for a pizza and some sleep before doing the before sunrise sail-off trick again. Then on our way towards Sandhamn Hamn – the last planned stop before the crossing to Christiansø – we realized that we needed to fill up some groceries before the mainland stores closed for the day. We were just a few miles outside Kristianopel. Kaikāne was standing in the front with the lines when we sailed into the marina. He caught some attention – a kind woman turned around and offered to help him on the pier. She happened to be the mother of two English-speaking boys in another sailboat – Alexander and Christian. Boom! Finally, we found someone to play with! We did not have the heart to continue sailing after getting the food in the store, so a long playful evening took place. Alexander and Kaikāne became best buddies while we got to hang with a new wonderful sailing family. Looking forward to meeting all of you guys again:-)
Blog post in the making: We're working with this blog-post right now and will update texts and images as we go along. Welcome back!

We left Kristianopel marina early morning after preparing some food for the crossing over to Christiansø – some 70 nm in pretty good winds.
